Capacitor Based Active Cell Balancing for Electric Vehicle Battery Systems: Insights from Simulations
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Department of Electrical Engineering and Mechatronics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Technical university of Košice, Košice, Slovakia
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Daniel Marcin   

Department of Electrical Engineering and Mechatronics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Technical university of Košice, Košice, Slovakia
Power Electronics and Drives 2024;9 (44)
Cell balancing, a critical aspect of battery management in electric vehicles (EVs) and other applications, ensures uniform state of charge (SOC) distribution among individual cells within a battery pack, enhancing performance and longevity while mitigating safety risks. This paper examines the effectiveness of capacitor-based active cell balancing techniques through simulations un-der dynamic loading conditions. Utilizing MATLAB and Simulink, various circuit topologies are evaluated, considering real-world cell parameters and open-circuit voltage (OCV) curve modeling. Results indicate that advanced configurations, such as double-tiered switched-capacitor balancing offer improved balancing speed and efficiency compared to conventional methods. However, challenges such as transient events during charging and discharging phases underscore the need for further research. By lever-aging simulations and experimental data, researchers can refine cell balancing strategies, contributing to the development of saf-er, more efficient battery systems for EVs and beyond. This study underscores the importance of systematic analysis and opti-mization in advancing cell balancing technology for future energy storage applications.
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