
  • PEAD - Primary e-mail address requirements
    From 15 March 2024, it is mandatory that the primary e-mail address is an institutional one for any co-authors of the s manuscripts submitted to Power Electronics and Drives. This applies not only to the submitting author but to ALL authors of each paper. Papers where this requirement is not satisfied will not be put into the review process. To ensure compliance with this requirement, the submitting author should, prior to the submission, contact all co-authors and request that they, if necessary, edit contact details in their authors accounts.

  • The Power Electronics and Drives journal has been positively evaluated for inclusion in the Web of Sciences (Emerging Sources Citation Index - ESCI).
    After the reviews received from Clarivate Analytics in July 2021, which did not accept the journal into this database, a two-year waiting period was required while the journal addressed the suggestions made by CA. Last year, in July 2022 a new application was submitted to Clarivate, and at least after 1.5 year the CA recognized the continued development of the journal and the Editors’ reply. As a result, PEAD was accepted for inclusion in the WoS database. All articles, starting from 2021 (vol. 6) will be indexed in WoS soon. In June 2024 we expect the inaugural Impact Factor.

  • November 2023:
    Article Processing Charges for golden open access starting from 1st January 2024
    The journal charges the following APC:

    Article Processing Charge for OA:
    • for Europe - 150.00 Euro
    • for other countries - 160.00 USD
    • for Poland – 830 PLN (VAT included)

    The fee for publishing an article covers up to 12 pages in PDF format of the journal template.
    If the article extends beyond 12 pages, the journal will charge an additional 10% of basic APC for each extra page.

    Authors who will send their manuscript by the end of 2023 will not be charged with APC.

  • October 2023:
    The Power Electronics and Drives journal has been positively evaluated for inclusion in the Web of Sciences (Emerging Sources Citation Index - ESCI).

    After the reviews received from Clarivate Analytics in July 2021, which did not accept the journal into this database, a two-year waiting period was required while the journal addressed the suggestions made by CA. Last year, in July 2022 a new application was submitted to Clarivate, and at least after 1.5 year the CA recognized the continued development of the journal and the Editors’ reply. As a result, PEAD was accepted for inclusion in the WoS database. All articles, starting from 2021 (vol. 6) will be indexed in WoS soon. In June 2024 we expect the inaugural impact factor.

  • Special Section in 2023 vol. 8 (43) has been opened:
    Artificial Intelligent Based Designs and Applications for the Control of Electrical Drives.
    New deadline: 30 November 2023

    More info here:,524.html

  • Special Section in 2023 vol. 8 (43) has been opened:
    Advanced Control Methods of Electrical Machines and Drives.
    More info here:,524.html

  • Since October 2020, PEAD is indexed in ERIH +.
    Power Electronics and Drives is now indexed by: ERIH +

  • Since October 2019 Power Electronics and Drives is issued under the patronage of the Electrical Engineering Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

  • Current statistics for the PEAD magazine prepared by the ICI Journals Master List
    ICV 2014 = 42.24
    ICV 2015 = 40.36
    ICV 2016 = 76.72
    ICV 2017 = 100.00
    ICV 2018 = 100.00
    ICV 2019 = 100.00
    ICV 2020 = 100.00
    ICV 2021 = 100.00

    Constant improvement of our magazine’s publishing quality is a result of hard work of the editorial team, members of the scientific board, reviewers, and university authorities through their policy supporting the development of our journal.
    ICI Journals Master List is available at (

  • Documenting papers published in Power Electronics and Drives

    Since the journal Power Electronics and Drives is a continuation of the journal "Scientific Papers of the Institute of Electrical Machines, Drives and Measurements of the Wroclaw University of Technology. Studies and Research" (ISSN 1733-0718), at realigning articles in the PBN Base, you will need to manually link them with the old title. This is due to the fact placing our journal “Power Electronics and Drives” in the "List of scientific journals that contain the history of the journals from the lists published for the years 2013-2016” (pdf) under the previous title "Prace Naukowe Instytutu Maszyn, Napędów i Pomiarów Elektrycznych Politechniki Wrocławskiej. Studia i Materiały".

    (W związku z tym, że czasopismo Power Electronics and Drives jest kontynuacją czasopisma "Prace Naukowe Instytutu Maszyn, Napędów i Pomiarów Elektrycznych Politechniki Wrocławskiej” (ISSN 1733-0718) przy ujednolicaniu czasopisma w Bazie PBN konieczne będzie jego powiązanie ręczne ze starym tytułem. Związane jest to faktem umieszczenia naszego czasopisma Power Electronics and Drives na "Wykazie czasopism naukowych zawierających historię czasopisma z publikowanych wykazów za lata 2013-2016" (pdf) pod poprzednim tytułem "Prace Naukowe Instytutu Maszyn, Napędów i Pomiarów Elektrycznych Politechniki Wrocławskiej”.)

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